Senin, 07 Februari 2011
Last Day 4 Me
I actually still feel at home here,.
bUt beCaUse tHere are other activities,.
yUa w0uLd n0t Want Us t0 be fInIsHeD w0rk,.
Yua s0 wHat's Imp0rTanT wHat We've Here pkL,.
Senin, 31 Januari 2011
f0rgIve Me,.pLease m0m,.
DuCh,.Hr nNe k'JdI.aN y9 taq MnyNangkaN 'CaUse TdI q g sngJa nTuP L!fT v PrZaaN q c tU L!fT pNtU'ye dH q pnCeT tHaN dH aTw MngK!n q sLaH MnCeT x yUa,.UuCh,.q Jd g eNk hT!e nNe Ma IbU" nTU,.
Mv yUa bU sBnr'ye sYa g Da nYt kya gTu Ma Ibu v pRzaaN tU L!fT dH sYa tHan k0,.
aTw MngkIn sYa yg sLah MnceT,.s'x Lg Mv yUa bU,.
pLease f0rgIve Me,.
v Td Jg Da ksAn yg Mnyenangkan 'CaUse Td paz q pGeN b'anGkat k'sTsIuN Da Ibu" yg nWarIn q bWt NAek mTor'ye dYe ,.aLhMduL!laH pG!" q Dh dPt rZkI wLwPn bKan bRpa UanG v bGI q tU c Dh LbIh Dr cKUp,.
kN Lmyan q b'anGkat PKL G jLN kakI Lg,.s0 g CpeT cPe DeCH,.
v MngK!n q yg seMbr0n0 x yUa,.yDaH q c aMbL hkMaH'ye Je Dr kJdIan nTu sMwa,.
bYe":) enDaH bIeber
Rabu, 26 Januari 2011
My Heart Is broke If I'm seeIng 0r HearIng tHe neWs concert L!ve Jb Here,.
'CaUse I Can't tO WatChIng hIm cOnCerT,.
yUpsH,.'CaUse tHe tIcKeTs It's MosT eXpeNsIve 4 Me anD I've noT MuCh MaNy 4 tHat,.
s0 tHe tIcKets Is s0Ld oUt n0w,.I tH!nK,.
I'aM JusT Can waTcH!nG hIm c0nCerT fRoM far aWay pLace,.
UuCh pLease donT TaLkIng aboUt Jb aNym0re,.My HeaRt Is dOwN,.
UuCh Jb If U kNew aBoUt My feeLIng n0w,.
serba saLaH DeCh
dUcH,.,tH!s t0daY Make Me to be aNnoyeD wItH the seCurTy,.uUcH be LaZy n0w,.anD I'm so sHy wIth theM 'CaUse I Hven'T a braVey to TaLk!nG wItH tHeM,.'CaUse I tH!nk Ur face Make Me sCare so lIke tHat,.anD tHen don't be fIerCe,.'CaUse U JusT MaKe Me t0 be a sCarer,.??
Minggu, 23 Januari 2011
wHere are U now
wHere're u now,.?
wheN i neeD u tHe mosT,.
wHy don't u Take My HanD,.
I WaNna be cLose,.
HeLp Me wHeN I'aM doWn,.
L!fT Me Up oFf tHe groUnD,.
TeacH Me rIgHt froM WroNg,.
HeLp Me To sTay sTronG,.
s0 TaKe My HaNd aNd WaLk wItH Me,.
sHow Me wHat t0 be,.
I NeeD u t0 seT Me fRee,.
wHere're u now,.?
wHere're u now,.?
n0w tHat I'm HaLf gRoWn,.
wHy are we far apart,.
I feeL s0 aLoNe,.
wHere're u n0w,.?
wHeN n0tH!ng's goIng rIgHt,.?
wHere're u now,.?
I can't see tHe LighT,.
I NeeD u t0 NeeD Me,.
caN't u see Me,.
How c0uLd u LeaVe Me,.?
My HeaRt Is HaLf eMpTy,.
I'm n0t wHole,.
wHeN u're not wItH Me,.
I WaNt u HeRe wItH Me,.
to gUIde Me,.
h0Ld Me aNd LoVe Me n0w,.
Kamis, 20 Januari 2011
JusT aloNe
Mn9k!n kW Trsa aS!n9 d9n qU,.
'cause qu tlah msuk k'dlam k'hdpan klian,.
dan mngkin kw ru mngenal q shngga kw b'anggpan qu seor9 yg taq dpt d'percaya,.,
dan kw pun b'pkir dgn ada'ya q msk d'khpan klian,.,
q hnya mmbwa ksedihan v q dtng d'khpan klian,.
'cause q ingin menjalani suatu hbngn p'shbatan,.,
dan q mmbwa hdiah brpa kbhagiaan bkan ksdihan,.,
jqa kw snng ,.q pun trut snang,.,v jga q sdng dlam duka dan kw pun t'twa,.q ikt snang wlwpn kw t'twa d'atas penderitaan yg q rsakan,.,
wlwpn kdng tu mnyakitkan,.,q akn brsha tuq ttp tegar,.wlwpn kw taq p'nah anggp q da stdk'ya q p'nah mnjalani sebuah p'shbatan b'sma klian,.v pa kh b'arti kta" suka maupn duka dr ucpan seorng shbt v kta" tu taq p'nah ku saksikan d'saat q sdng b'dka maupun ska,.,??
LaPer eUy
dUcH,.,Lper Ne gUys,.,dr Td Ne PerUt cOnCerT mLu,.,pDhL td p9! dH sRpaN,.,eeH Lper Lg! deCh,.uUcH dH gT sKrNg qU Lg! bT nNe.,.,??
pGen p'G! yG JwH Je Dr sN!e,.,far-far aWay froM Hre,.,If I caN v nTr Lo qU p'g! dwT'ye Dr Mne,.,UuCh KekI deCh,.?
'CaUse I dont WanNa see,.?? It's JusT sT!lL a SeCreT..
Rabu, 19 Januari 2011
Selasa, 18 Januari 2011
Rabu, 05 Januari 2011
Justin Bieber - Pray
I just can't sleep tonight,.
knowing that things aint night,.
it's in the papers,.it's on the tv,.it's everywhere that I go,.
children and crying,.
soldiers are dying,.
some people don't have a home,.
but I know there's sunshine behind that rain,.
I know there's good times behind that pain,.
hey,.can you tell how I can make a change,.?
I close my eyes and I can see a brigther day,.
I close my eyes and pray,.
I close my eyes and I can see a better day,.
I close my eyes and pray,.
I lose my appetite,.knowing kids stoarve tonight,.
when I sit up,.'cause my dinner is still on my plate,.
ooo.,I got a mission,.to make a difference,.
and it's starting to day,.
'cause i know there's sunshine behind that rain,.
I know there's good times behind that pain,.
can you tell me how I can make a change,.?
I close my eyes and I can see a brigther day,.
I close my eyes and pray,.
I close my eyes and I can see a better day,.
I close my eyes and pray,.
for the broken-hearted,.
I pray for the life not started,.
I pray fo all the ones not breathing,.
I pray for all the souls in need,.
I pray,.can you give me one day,.?
I just can't sleep tonight,.
can someone tell me how to make a change,.?
I close my eyes and I can see a brigther day,.
I close my eyes and pray,.
I close my eyes and I close see a better day,.
I close my eyes and pray,,
I just can't sleep tonight,.
knowing that things aint night,.
it's in the papers,.it's on the tv,.it's everywhere that I go,.
children and crying,.
soldiers are dying,.
some people don't have a home,.
but I know there's sunshine behind that rain,.
I know there's good times behind that pain,.
hey,.can you tell how I can make a change,.?
I close my eyes and I can see a brigther day,.
I close my eyes and pray,.
I close my eyes and I can see a better day,.
I close my eyes and pray,.
I lose my appetite,.knowing kids stoarve tonight,.
when I sit up,.'cause my dinner is still on my plate,.
ooo.,I got a mission,.to make a difference,.
and it's starting to day,.
'cause i know there's sunshine behind that rain,.
I know there's good times behind that pain,.
can you tell me how I can make a change,.?
I close my eyes and I can see a brigther day,.
I close my eyes and pray,.
I close my eyes and I can see a better day,.
I close my eyes and pray,.
for the broken-hearted,.
I pray for the life not started,.
I pray fo all the ones not breathing,.
I pray for all the souls in need,.
I pray,.can you give me one day,.?
I just can't sleep tonight,.
can someone tell me how to make a change,.?
I close my eyes and I can see a brigther day,.
I close my eyes and pray,.
I close my eyes and I close see a better day,.
I close my eyes and pray,,
sakit gigi
Selasa, 04 Januari 2011
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