Rabu, 26 Januari 2011


My Heart Is broke If I'm seeIng 0r HearIng tHe neWs concert L!ve Jb Here,.
'CaUse I Can't tO WatChIng hIm cOnCerT,.
yUpsH,.'CaUse tHe tIcKeTs It's MosT eXpeNsIve 4 Me anD I've noT MuCh MaNy 4 tHat,.
s0 tHe tIcKets Is s0Ld oUt n0w,.I tH!nK,.
I'aM JusT Can waTcH!nG hIm c0nCerT fRoM far aWay pLace,.
UuCh pLease donT TaLkIng aboUt Jb aNym0re,.My HeaRt Is dOwN,.
UuCh Jb If U kNew aBoUt My feeLIng n0w,.

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