Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

wHere are U now

wHere're u now,.?
wheN i neeD u tHe mosT,.
wHy don't u Take My HanD,.
I WaNna be cLose,.

HeLp Me wHeN I'aM doWn,.
L!fT Me Up oFf tHe groUnD,.
TeacH Me rIgHt froM WroNg,.
HeLp Me To sTay sTronG,.

s0 TaKe My HaNd aNd WaLk wItH Me,.
sHow Me wHat t0 be,.
I NeeD u t0 seT Me fRee,.
wHere're u now,.?

wHere're u now,.?
n0w tHat I'm HaLf gRoWn,.
wHy are we far apart,.
I feeL s0 aLoNe,.

wHere're u n0w,.?
wHeN n0tH!ng's goIng rIgHt,.?
wHere're u now,.?
I can't see tHe LighT,.

I NeeD u t0 NeeD Me,.
caN't u see Me,.
How c0uLd u LeaVe Me,.?
My HeaRt Is HaLf eMpTy,.

I'm n0t wHole,.
wHeN u're not wItH Me,.
I WaNt u HeRe wItH Me,.
to gUIde Me,.
h0Ld Me aNd LoVe Me n0w,.

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